Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Philip K. Dick-We Can Remember It for You Wholesale

Philip K. Dick
We Can Remember It for You Wholesale

“The trip is very vivid in his mind—at least under sedation. But apparently he doesn’t recall it otherwise. Someone, probably at a government military science lab, erased his conscious memories; all he knew was that going to Mars meant something special to him, and so did being a being secret agent. They couldn’t erase that; it’s not a memory but a desire, undoubtedly the same one that motivated him to volunteer for the assignment in the first place.”(Dick, p359)

I believe that this quote is important because during the process of them placing false memory in to his head the workers at the Rekal incorporations found out that Mr. Quail really did take a trip to Mars but at this point wasn’t sure about why, and who sent him there. I believe that the story became interesting to me at this point because I was unsure about where it was leading. At this point we learn that he actually wasn’t trying to take a trip to Mars but that his memories wasn’t completely erased that sort of placed images in his head, to make him have a desire to go to Mars. But during this process he knew so much in so little time that he had to have been there before. I just thought the author brought this short story to life by putting in so much information; it kept me thinking and wondering about what’s going to happen next.

1 comment:

Laura Nicosia said...

This posting is late,too. -LN